Monday, January 16, 2012

Bloghilde's Blather - The Mission Statement

As I mentioned in my last post, Bloghilde's Blather begins its life as a part of the Communications Studies Capstone course at Ashford University, where I hope to receive a Bachelor of Arts in coming months. The blog's purpose, then, is to display with dazzling clarity all that I have learned about Communications over the past two years, along with my ability to apply that knowledge to first-rate, professional-caliber writing, effective editing and layout, and a strong grasp of my audience's needs and interests. That audience includes, but is by no means limited to, professional singers and other musicians; opera professionals; opera fans; music fans; my classmates from this course; other friends and relatives; and of course, the ever-popular lurkers!

Because most of those interested enough in me that they'd read my blog are also opera lovers or professionals, any blog I keep should center on my experiences and thoughts as a singer - particularly my travels, performances, thoughts and ideas about the works I perform, and other bits of information that shed new and interesting light on what it is to be an opera singer. My design is intended to be eye-catching, artistic, and even slightly humorous; it is the "Picture" template of the Blogger program, with a background reflecting the diverse interests, artistic and otherwise, I hope to explore in the blog. Though I will keep the focus of the blog reasonably narrow, I may from time to time post something more artistically or intellectually off the beaten path from my usual content.

Becoming a blogger is something of a landmark experience these days. I hope to write a blog that is interesting, informative, and entertaining to my audience, as well as to my classmates. Above all, I intend to write a blog which demonstrates my mastery of the material taught in the courses for the field in which I have majored.

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